February 5, 2021

Last year, marketing and media companies expected a busy year with the Summer Olympics and the Presidential Election. However, that quickly changed when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. In the marketing world, businesses had to find new ways to deliver their goods and services, TV and film production paused and in-person events were canceled. Even though things began to look up in the second half of 2020, we are wondering whether Covid 19 changed marketing forever. Ad Age’s report, “2021 Forecast: Has the Pandemic Changed Consumer Behavior Forever?” analyzes how consumer media consumption has changed during the pandemic.


How Covid 19 changed marketing forever


GroupM Global President of Business Intelligence Brian Wieser predicts that in the future companies will choose to spend on improvements or expansion of distribution strategies, and their own ecommerce platforms, websites and apps. For example, restaurants that were previously unprepared for curbside pickup, takeout and online ordering are now streamlining menus and optimizing websites, apps and delivery partners


Jane Ostler, global head of media effectiveness for the insights division of Kantar predicts that brands will deliver their brands and services in ways that meet consumer needs. Meaning more rapid movement toward direct-to-consumer sales. After the year we’ve had, creating the best customer experience is critical. Last year’s business closures, product shortages, supply chain disruption and household economic constraints often have left consumers unable to purchase their first-choice brands.

The coronavirus pandemic has thought us a lot. We had to adapt rapidly to all of the changes thrown our way. For better or worse it has made us stronger and more resilient. Most of the changes we’ve made will stick with us through the long run as we continue to evolve and better reach our target audience.

Carolina Macedo, the author, is Project Coordinator of Marketing Keys.


Posted on:

February 5, 2021

